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Inclusive Economy Strategy consultation


The Draft Inclusive Economy Strategy builds on our commitment to create a more inclusive, sustainable economy which works for everyone, ensuring that no one is left behind. 

The strategy will guide how the local economy will grow and become more inclusive, ensuring that all our communities can benefit from growth and investment in the borough. It sets out the council’s vision for a more inclusive local economy, and the approach it will take over the next 10 years to fulfil this goal.  

Residents and businesses are at the heart of the draft strategy, which is framed by three key themes:

  • People Meeting the needs of residents of Royal Greenwich.
  • Place Developing Royal Greenwich as a thriving place.
  • Prosperity Ensuring everyone is able to access good, secure jobs. 

We’re now asking you to tell us what you think about the proposed priorities and actions included in the draft document by answering the short survey below.

Please take a look at the draft strategy document before providing your feedback. You can download the PDF below. 

Share your views with us by 5 February. 


Download the draft inclusive economy strategy document

Document image preview
Inclusive economic strategy consultation.pdf

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