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Inclusive Economy Strategy

Inclusive Economy Strategy consultation contributions

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4 months ago


Do you agree with the key issues and opportunities for the Royal Borough of Greenwich?


Do you agree with the vision?


Do you agree with our proposed priorities?


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7 months ago


Do you agree with the key issues and opportunities for the Royal Borough of Greenwich?


Do you agree with the vision?


Please can you explain why you agree or disagree with the vision?

You need to seriously decrease private car usage, which the Silvertown Tunnel isn't helping to do

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7 months ago


Do you agree with the key issues and opportunities for the Royal Borough of Greenwich?


Please can you explain why you agree or disagree with the key issues and opportunities for the Royal Borough of Greenwich?

In addition, to the key issues and opportunities identified, the following areas have been brough to our attention through community groups and local businesses which should be specifically addressed through the strategy: • Lack of training opportunities for Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) staff especially around green skills • Barriers to access local funding/grants for MSMEs or innovative business loans/grants. • Food insecurity and continued effects of cost-of-living crisis- The Office for Health, Improvement and Disparities figures show 18% of Greenwich residents (52,687 people) suffered from food insecurity in 2021. This is the highest percentage of people unable to purchase healthy food in southeast London, closely followed by Lewisham. • While support for young people has rightly been prioritised, a full assessment of the support required for the most vulnerable as well as other demographics identified in the report should be included. For example, support for women returning to work, ethnic minorities, refugees/asylum seekers, and those affected by the cost-of-living crisis. • Specific KPIs and opportunities to reduce inequalities in the local economy through initiatives to reduce the gender pay gap and promoting the Real Living wage. • Improve staff wellbeing and mental health by providing a variety of wellbeing programming for staff. • A bigger focus should be put on skills development and upskilling those who are returning to work and changing industries (digital and green skills)

Do you agree with the vision?


Please can you explain why you agree or disagree with the vision?

We agree with this approach. Recent socio-economic events such as Covid-19 and the cost-of-living crisis have stalled economic growth and added additional pressures on businesses and communities. Council led interventions that allows businesses to “thrive, grow and invest” as well as support the new communities where “residents prosper” can provide scope for collaboration and much needed support for MSMEs and residents. To improve the overall economy, we need to provide all types of employment and promote sustainable development across the borough.

Please can you explain why you agree or disagree with our proposed priorities?

We agree with the priorities outlined especially the focus on apprenticeship and skills development as this has been shared with us through our supply chain, community partners and feedback from local educational institutions. In addition to this we would suggest including: • Increased careers pathway support for school leavers and NEETs • Opportunities for business innovation funds for young entrepreneurs • Supporting local MSMEs and VCSEs efforts through collaboration, resource building, business advice and possible voluntary time • Increased council support/funding for MSME (micro, small & medium enterprises) especially those in the creative industry such as the Design District

Are you aware of any good practice in delivering the suggested actions, either from Royal Greenwich or elsewhere?

Design District is home to more than 170 businesses and organisations, of all sizes, spanning every creative discipline. The Design District’s operating premise – that bringing together and supporting diverse creative enterprises drives innovation, growth and resilience – has proven even more important against a tumultuous global climate. Design District’s unique offering is proving effective at supporting and nurturing London’s creative industries – and provides a valuable blueprint for economic placemaking in other cities in the UK and beyond. Add business growth as the primary priority, including business incentives for new/existing businesses such as reduction in business rates for the creative industry sector. Since moving to Design District: 71% feel more confident in their business 90% have either maintained or grown the size of their teams; and 2in3 Design District businesses sustained or increased their turnover.

Do you have any further comments or questions you would like to add?

It would be useful to understand the specific KPIs under the strategy and reporting/evaluation procedure. We would be happy to discuss any of the comments outlined above.

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7 months ago


Do you agree with the key issues and opportunities for the Royal Borough of Greenwich?


Please can you explain why you agree or disagree with the key issues and opportunities for the Royal Borough of Greenwich?

Captures the complex issues impacting the Borough.

Do you agree with the vision?


Please can you explain why you agree or disagree with the vision?

3 Pillars is a simple categorisation which effectively covers the requirements from a business and resident perspective

Do you agree with our proposed priorities?


Please can you explain why you agree or disagree with our proposed priorities?

I believe there should be more on recreational activity spaces for residents. There is a lot of green spaces and parks that could be promoted and used. People should be encouraged to use these spaces. This could also help in giving younger people an outlet.

Are you aware of any good practice in delivering the suggested actions, either from Royal Greenwich or elsewhere?


Do you have any further comments or questions you would like to add?

There are multiple initiatives launched, some are covered by the Chamber of Commerce. In some cases businesses have their own internal strategies that are being delivered without connecting these to wider actions/activities in the Borough. There needs to be a business network (maybe facilitated by the Chamber of Commerce) to ensure we are all working effectively.

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7 months ago


Do you agree with the key issues and opportunities for the Royal Borough of Greenwich?


Please can you explain why you agree or disagree with the key issues and opportunities for the Royal Borough of Greenwich?

You are rolling out additional schemes which will be detrimental to what you are trying to achieve.

Do you agree with the vision?


Please can you explain why you agree or disagree with the vision?

You are rolling out additional schemes which will be detrimental to what you are trying to achieve.

Do you agree with our proposed priorities?


Please can you explain why you agree or disagree with our proposed priorities?

You are rolling out additional schemes which will be detrimental to what you are trying to achieve.

Are you aware of any good practice in delivering the suggested actions, either from Royal Greenwich or elsewhere?

You are rolling out additional schemes which will be detrimental to what you are trying to achieve.

Do you have any further comments or questions you would like to add?

You are rolling out additional schemes which will be detrimental to what you are trying to achieve.

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